SEED performers are certified Library Champions!
For their strong presence and influence as Library Champions for the SEED community, College Library awarded certificates to Mr. Maria...

Xiao's Best Book Choices Revealed
Here are Mr. Michael Charleston "Xiao" Chua's best choices for "Books that Inform, Books that Inspire, Books that Entertain and Books...

Xiao shakes it up at the Lux Hall this Friday!
Email officeofthelibrary@southville.edu.ph for reservation of seats. Please bring one book (new, used and/or slightly used self-help,...

Xiao is coming on October 5!
Email officeofthelibrary@southville.edu.ph for reservation of seats. Please bring one book (new, used and/or slightly used self-help,...

Xiao is 2018 Celebrity Booktalker of SISC libraries!
Email officeofthelibrary@southville.edu.ph for reservation of seats. Please bring one book (new, used and/or slightly used self-help,...