Rating of 4.2 for Nursing IDEA BOX, a lovely makerspace project
Ready for viewing at the College Library: Nursing IDEA BOX! See it in person, share your insights with everyone and provide us feedback...

KRA thrills library personnel
Beautiful and kindest SGEN library people for the third time met at the Taylor Center for Professional Development or TCPD last Saturday,...

SMC faculty and students donate books
"Big things come from small beginnings." Faculty and students of South Mansfield College who joined and listened to Celebrity Booktalk...

SEED performers are certified Library Champions!
For their strong presence and influence as Library Champions for the SEED community, College Library awarded certificates to Mr. Maria...

GLT shares books
How to Reach the Hard to Teach: Excellent Instruction for Those Who Need It Most Paperback, 2016 by Jana Echevarría (Author), Nancy Frey...

Xiao's Best Book Choices Revealed
Here are Mr. Michael Charleston "Xiao" Chua's best choices for "Books that Inform, Books that Inspire, Books that Entertain and Books...

Library & Student Affairs rejoice with 4.8 rating for Celebrity Booktalk 2018!
Based from the evaluation surveyed and forms collected from seventy six of more than a hundred students, faculty, staff and other...

Xiao shakes it up at the Lux Hall this Friday!
Email officeofthelibrary@southville.edu.ph for reservation of seats. Please bring one book (new, used and/or slightly used self-help,...

DOE enagages with Malala
DOE 1st Library Volunteering Log: We volunteered at the College Library for an hour. Our task was to read the autobiography of Malala...

I Am Malala fever, Booktalks Galore
College Library Creatives Workshop presents I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World Thursday Book...