Former SISC Basic Ed student now UPSLIS undergrad does OJT @ Southville College library

The decision to have my OJT at Southville was initially a thing of convenience. With a father in the faculty, the school having been my alma mater in high school, and the actual building being much closer to home than my university, it seemed like it’d save a lot more time and money to work here instead. Of course, all of that is still true after working here two weeks, but it’s become a lot more than a job for convenience.
I won’t say what I do specifically, but at first glance they seem like everyday menial tasks. You know, “something that anyone else can do”. And while I’ll admit that sometimes I end up being bored at my desk, it doesn’t change the fact that what I’m doing right now is far more important than first impressions might make it seem.
Librarians work hard here to make sure information is both available and easily accessible to everyone. To a regular user of the library, it’s not really that obvious, especially given that users’ focus usually stays strictly on finding whatever they need. But I find that so much of what goes smoothly in the processes of finding what you need in the library is due to the resilience and creativity of the librarians that work there; this place wouldn’t be half as efficient as it is now without the smart team that runs it.
On that end, I’m honored to be a part of them.
The OJT person nicknamed Lance (wearing eyeglass in the photo) started reporting last June 13.