Idea Box's creative task!
If DLSU library has "Human Library" though we have our own version of this "worldwide movement for social change," Southville library team's the first to introduce IDEA BOX. It's quite a creative task.
It begins with a creative philosophy to reason out why it gets displayed this way and a self-imposed attitude to check, evaluate and improve current version of what is exhibited in the Idea Box.
IDEA BOX is an awesome idea of constructing a creative space for their patrons “to tinker, learn, and play.”

It is also a makerspace that will allow individuals and/or groups to innovatively use library spaces for learning engagements.
The College library assigns the airconditioned, glassed Viewing Room as area where students and/or faculty from departments can work together, create fantastic projects, display their outputs for public viewing, appreciation and evaluation without pulling out chairs and tables from the said room.
The objectives are as follows:
To increase library attendance through participatory-based, fun and creative activities (Connection);
To provide space displaying students’ artworks, photographs, academic outputs, novelty and/or cultural items items, games and/or contest, quotations, music and film rooms, poetry place, masks and the like (Makerspace);
To stir collaborative and reflective learning among IDEA BOX creators, library users and the whole academic community (Collaboration).
Simple mechanics may be used enumerated as follows:
The College library calls, invites and accepts individuals and/or groups for makerspace work.
Makerspace people submits IDEA BOX presentations and designs for approval.
The College Library schedules the IDEA BOX for public viewing.
Makerspace people prepares the IDEA BOX room a week before opening it to the public.
The College Library distributes evaluation sheet for rating of what is currently featured in the IDEA BOX.
Previous IDEA Box Displays:
Art Drawn By Cancer Through College of Communication & Multimedia Arts, 2016 September-November
Hearts & Books coincided with Hearts' Month, 2017 February