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SISC President sends LPDH book donations to the College Library

Great thanks to the Office of the SISC President, Dr. Marl V. Ferenal, for sending more than a hundred of books as donations to the College Library.

  1. A Primer of Clinical Interpretation

  2. A Survival Kit for the Special Education Teacher

  3. Adopting Instruction for main streamed and AT-Risk Students

  4. Ages one and Two Year Toddler

  5. An Introduction Communication Disorders

  6. Applying Behavior “Analysis Procedures with Children and Youth”

  7. Appraisal and Diagnosis of Speech and Language Disorders

  8. Assessing Needs in Continuing Education

  9. Assessing One and all Educational Accountability for Exceptional Students

  10. Assessment and Remediation of Articulatory and Phonological Disorders

  11. Assessment in Speech and languages Therapy

  12. Assessment of Children

  13. Association for Behavior Analysis International

  14. Autism Explaining the Enigma UTA Fifth

  15. A-Z of Child Development

  16. Behavioral Intervention for young Children with Autism

  17. Birth to five :Early Childhood Special Education

  18. Boredom Busters

  19. Caring for our Children

  20. Caring for our Children : “0 – 6 years a self-learning manual

  21. Catalogue of Institutions and Agencies for Children with Special Needs

  22. Characteristics of and Strategies for Teaching Students with mild Disabilities

  23. Childhood Motor Speech Disabilities

  24. Children and Communication : Verbal and non-Verbal Languages Development “Second Edition”

  25. Children’s use of board games in Psychotherapy

  26. Classroom Techniques: Foreign Languages and English as a Second Language.

  27. Communication for Speechless

  28. Communication Skills for Exceptional Learners

  29. Communicative Disorders in Children

  30. Dancing in the Rain

  31. Dictionary of Psychology

  32. Discovering Science

  33. Early Childhood Education An Introduction “Second Edition”

  34. Early Childhood Education Developmental/Experimental Teaching and Learning “ Fourth Edition”

  35. Educating Exceptional Children

  36. Educational Psychology

  37. Educational Psychology – “Theory and Practice “ – Fifth Edition


  39. Erick Slum Book

  40. Evaluation of Appraisal Techniques in Speech and Language Pathology

  41. Exceptional Children – “Eight Edition”

  42. First Multi Skill Workbook

  43. Games that Teach

  44. General Overview of Autism

  45. Great Parties for kids

  46. HAMAKA

  47. Hard book of Speech Pathology and Audiology

  48. Helping Five-to-Eight-Years old with Special Educational Needs

  49. History of Educational Thought

  50. How to Teach Autistic and Other Severely Handicapped Children

  51. Improving Play Skill

  52. Instructional Approaches to slow learning

  53. Introduction to the foundations of Education “ Third Edition”

  54. Jumbo Book of Games

  55. Language and Communication Disorders in Children

  56. Learn and Play

  57. Learning Disabilities

  58. Learning to be literate the Development of Spoken and Written Language

  59. Let Me Hear Your Voice “ a Family’s Triumph Over Autism

  60. Love Sign “The Sign Language in English and Filipino”

  61. Mainstreaming/Inclusion of the Children with Special Needs in the Regular Class

  62. Making it Happen

  63. MEER – Manual of Exerciser for Expressive Reasoning

  64. Models of Teaching “Fifth Edition”

  65. My “A” Book

  66. My First Drawing

  67. Parent Therapy – A relational Alternative to working with Children

  68. Philosophical Foundations of Education “ Fifth Edition”

  69. Phonological Remediation Targets

  70. Planning, Producing and Using Instructional Technologies “Seventh Edition”

  71. Play Therapy Interventions with Children’s Problems

  72. Play Therapy Techniques

  73. Pragmatics from Theory of Practice

  74. Preparing for Preschool Entrance Test

  75. Preschool Education Programs for Children with Autism

  76. Preschool Games

  77. Primer of Psychotherapy “A developmental Perspective”

  78. Principles and Methods of Teaching

  79. Principles and Strategies of Learning

  80. Principles of Interpretation

  81. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching “Third Edition”

  82. Proceedings of JETED ‘99

  83. Psycho Educational Assessment of the Children with Special Education Needs”

  84. Rehabilitation Policy in the Philippines: An Analysis of Major Institutions for the Disabled

  85. Science Projects for Preschoolers

  86. Science Workbook for Pre-Primary

  87. Search CSA Research Journal

  88. Self – Talk for Teachers and Students

  89. Short Term Psychotherapy Groups for Children

  90. Social Skills

  91. Social Skills Stories

  92. Special Education

  93. Speech Languages Pathology and Audiology

  94. Strategies for Teaching

  95. Structured Teaching

  96. Students on Pedagogy for Filipinos

  97. Students with Learning Disabilities

  98. Summer Fun

  99. Supporting Children with Communication Difficulties in Inclusive Settings

  100. Taxonomy of Educational Objects

  101. Teachers Guide

  102. Teaching and Learning Through Multiple Intelligences

  103. Teaching English in the Work Place

  104. Teaching Language to Children with Autism or other Developmental Disabilities

  105. Teaching Retarded Learners Curriculum and Methods for Improving Instructions

  106. TESOL Techniques and Procedures

  107. The Behavior Analyst

  108. The Casa Colina Competency “Curriculum for the Therapeutic Preschool Program”

  109. The Children with Special Needs

  110. The Development of Language

  111. The Gifted and The Talented: Their Education and Development Part I

  112. The Handbook of Autism

  113. The International Journal of Research and Practice “ Autism “

  114. The Parenting Survival Kit

  115. The Psychotherapist as Healer

  116. The World of the Autistic Child

  117. Theories and Systems of Psychology “Fifth Edition”

  118. Toward a Theory of Instruction

  119. Toward the Rationalization of Research on Higher Education Research in the Philippines (1975-1996)

  120. What to eat when you’re Expecting

  121. When Children need Help

  122. Your baby from Birth to age five

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