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Searchable in the SISC WebOPAC are academic, quality, scientific, scholarly & scholastic eJournals for viewing, downloading, printing, distributing and/or sharing to your research teams and buddies. Never forget to cite them, use end notes and consult your librarians and/or teachers for bibliographic presentation of your sources.

Search them in the library's one-stop source or click for web-based online public access catalog for the world's OA publishing source which are as credible, popular, and legitimate fee-based electronic platforms for academic outputs and studies.


  1. Accounting and Finance Research

  2. Accounting Historians Journal

  3. AIS Educator Journal

  4. Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting

  5. Australasian Accounting Business & Finance Journal

  6. BRAND: Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation, and Distribution

  7. China Journal of Accounting Research

  8. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education

  9. International Journal of Accounting & Financial Reporting (IJAFR)

  10. International Journal of Accounting Research

  11. International Journal of Digital Accounting Research

  12. International Journal of Finance and Accounting

  13. International SAMANM Journal of Finance and Accounting

  14. Journal of Accounting and Auditing: Research & Practice

  15. Journal of Accounting and Economics

  16. Journal of Accounting & Marketing

  17. Journal of Accounting and Taxation

  18. Journal of Finance and Accounting

  19. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, Journal of Finance & Accountancy

  20. Open Journal of Accounting


  1. African Journal of Information & Communication Technology

  2. ARETE

  3. Canadian Journal of Communication

  4. Case Studies in Strategic Communication

  5. Communication Commons

  6. The Fibreculture Journal

  7. InMedia : the French Journal of Media and Media Representations in the English Speaking World

  8. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology

  9. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research

  10. Journal of Communications

  11. Journal of Intercultural Communication

  12. KOME : an International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry

  13. Media and Communication

  14. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies

  15. The Open Communication Journal

  16. Prism Online Journal

  17. Public Relations Journal

  18. Research Open Journal of Mass Communication and Media

  19. South African Journal of communication disorders

  20. Studies in Media and Communication


  1. ASHE Higher Education Report

  2. About Campus

  3. Anthropology & Education Quarterly

  4. Assessment Update

  5. British Education Research Journal

  6. British Journal of Educational Studies

  7. British Journal of Educational Technology

  8. Children & Society

  9. Curriculum Inquiry

  10. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice

  11. Educational Philosophy & Theory

  12. Educational Theory

  13. European Journal of Education

  14. Higher Education Quarterly

  15. Higher Education Abstracts

  16. History of Education Quarterly

  17. Impact

  18. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy

  19. Journal of Educational Assessment


  1. Annals of Innovation & Entrepreneurship

  2. Journal of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation

  3. Business & Entrepreneurship Journal

  4. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Organization Management

  5. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education

  6. Current Opinion in Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  7. Infopreneurship Journal

  8. Industrial and Corporate Change

  9. Journal of Behavioural Economics, Finance, Entrepreneurship

  10. Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity

  11. International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship

  12. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Journal

  13. Emerging Leadership Journeys

  14. Innovative Journal of Business and Management

  15. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research

  16. Journal of Business, Entrepreneurship, and the Law

  17. Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa


  1. Accounting and Finance Research

  2. Applied Economics and Finance

  3. British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences

  4. Business and Management Review

  5. Economics and Finance Review

  6. International Journal of Econometrics and Financial Management

  7. International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences

  8. International Journal of Economics and Finance,

  9. International Journal of Financial Studies

  10. Journal of Applied Finance & Banking

  11. Journal of Business and Financial Affairs

  12. Journal of Risk and Financial Management

  13. International Journal of Business and Finance Management Research

  14. International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies

  15. International Journal of Financial Research

  16. International Research Journal of Applied Finance

  17. Journal of Business and Finance

  18. Journal of Business and International Affairs

  19. Journal of Financial Risk Management

  20. Journal of Finance & Accountancy

  21. Journal of Finance & Economics

  22. Journal of Mathematical Finance


  1. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology,

  2. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure

  3. Czech Journal of Tourism: Journal of Masaryk University

  4. Environmental Health Perspectives

  5. European Journal of Food Research & Review

  6. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation

  7. Food and beverage Management Commons

  8. Food Outlook

  9. Hospitality Administration and Management Commons

  10. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management

  11. International Journal of Safety and Security in Tourism

  12. International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation & Tourism (IJSMaRT)

  13. International Journal of Wine Research

  14. Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation

  15. Journal of Business & Hotel Management

  16. Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism

  17. Journal of Hotel and Business Management

  18. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality

  19. Nutrition Journal

  20. Open Food Science Journal


  1. Applied HRM Research

  2. Enterprise Merger of Human Resources Integration Problems Probing

  3. Human Resource Management Research

  4. Human Resources for Health

  5. Human Resources Management Commons

  6. International Journal of Human Resource and Procurement

  7. International Journal of Human Resource Studies

  8. International Journal of Management and Organizational Studies

  9. Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies

  10. Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies

  11. Journal of Human Resource Management Research

  12. Journal of Human Resources Management Research

  13. Journal of the International Institute

  14. New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management

  15. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management

  16. South African Journal of Human Resource Management

  17. Sri Lankan Journal of Human Resource Management

  18. US Open Human Resource Management Journal


  1. African Journal of Information & Communication Technology

  2. Asian Journal of Information Technology

  3. Cybernetics and Information Technologies

  4. Information Technologies and International Development

  5. Information Technology and Management

  6. Information Technology Journal

  7. International Journal of Computer and Information Technology

  8. International Journal of Computer Applications

  9. International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security

  10. International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology

  11. International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science

  12. International Journal of Information Technology Convergence and services

  13. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology

  14. Journal of Advances in Information Technology

  15. Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering

  16. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology

  17. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

  18. Research Journal of Information Technology

  19. World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal


  1. African Journal of Marketing Management

  2. Asian Journal of Marketing

  3. Contemporary Marketing Review

  4. ELK Asia PacificJ of Marketing & Retail Management

  5. Far East Journal of Marketing and Management

  6. Industrial Marketing Management

  7. International Journal of Management and Marketing Research

  8. International Journal of Marketing Studies

  9. International Journal of Research in Marketing

  10. International Review of Management and Marketing

  11. International SAMANM Journal of Marketing and Management

  12. Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education

  13. Journal of Accounting and Marketing

  14. Journal of Business Market Management

  15. Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science

  16. Journal of Management and Marketing Research

  17. Journal of Management, Marketing and Logistics

  18. Journal of Marketing

  19. Journal of Marketing Management

  20. Management & Marketing

  21. Management & Marketing (Bucharest)


  1. American Journal of Nursing Research

  2. Annals of Nursing & Practice

  3. Asian Pacific Island Nursing Journal

  4. Clinical Nursing Studies

  5. Global Qualitative Nursing Research

  6. HNE Handover : For Nurses and Midwives

  7. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies

  8. International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices

  9. International Journal of Nursing Studies

  10. International Practice Development Journal

  11. Journal of Nursing

  12. Journal of Nursing & Care

  13. Journal of Nursing Care Quality

  14. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice

  15. Nursing: Research and Reviews

  16. Nursing Reports

  17. Nursing Research and Practice

  18. Open Journal of Nursing

  19. The Online journal of issues in nursing

  20. The Open Nursing Journal

  21. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics


  1. Informatics in Primary Care

  2. International Journal Bioautomation

  3. Journal of Education and Ethics in Nursing

  4. Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine

  5. Technologies (Basel)

  6. Ultrasonography

  7. Eä : Revista de Humanidades Médicas & Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología

  8. GMS Health Technology Assessment

  9. Indian Journal of Biotechnology

  10. Informatics (Basel)

  11. International Journal of Advanced Information Technology

  12. International Journal of BioSciences and Technology

  13. International Journal of Life Sciences and Technology

  14. International Journal of Medical Sciences and Technology

  15. Iranian Journal of Medical Informatics

  16. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering

  17. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences

  18. Khyber Medical University Journal

  19. Military Medical Research

  20. Photonics

  21. SCRIPT-ed

  22. Smart Homecare Technology and TeleHealth

  23. Tecnología en Marcha

  24. Yemeni Journal for Medical Sciences


  1. Acta Facultatis Pharmaceuticae Universitatis Comenianae

  2. Acta Scientiarum : Health Sciences

  3. Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin

  4. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research

  5. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  6. DARU : Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  7. International e-Journal of Science, Medicine & Education

  8. International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Research

  9. International Journal of Drug Formulation and Research

  10. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Archive

  11. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research

  12. Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin

  13. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia

  14. Revista Eletrônica de Farmácia

  15. Scientia Pharmaceutica

  16. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis : Seria Stiintele Vietii (Life Sciences Series)

  17. U.S. Pharmacist

  18. Vitae

  19. Acta Pharmaceutica

  20. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education

  21. American Journal of Pharmacy and Health Research

  22. Archives of Pharmacy Practice

  23. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care

  24. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics

  25. Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Life Science

  26. Clujul Medical

  27. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy

  28. Der Pharma Chemica

  29. Der Pharmacia Lettre

  30. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  31. Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy ​​

  32. INNOVATIONS in Pharmacy

  33. International Bulletin of Drug Research

  34. International Journal of Basic Medical Sciences and Pharmacy

  35. International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences

  36. International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences

  37. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

  38. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

  39. International Research Journal of Pharmacy

  40. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

  41. Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice

  42. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation

  43. Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

  44. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences

  45. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

  46. Journal of PharmaSciTech

  47. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine

  48. Jurnalul de Chirurgie

  49. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal

  50. Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

  51. Pharmacia

  52. Pharmacognosy Magazine

  53. Pharmacognosy Research

  54. Pharmacy

  55. Pharmacy Practice

  56. Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences

  57. Research in Pharmacy

  58. Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais

  59. Revista de Ciências Farmacêuticas Básica e Aplicada

  60. UIC Research Journal

  61. Yemeni Journal for Medical Sciences


  1. BMC Psychology

  2. Advances in cognitive psychology

  3. Annual Review of Critical Psychology

  4. Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice

  5. Australian Journal of Educational & Developmental Psychology

  6. Current Research in Psychology

  7. Current Research in Social Psychology

  8. Europe’s Journal of Psychology

  9. Frontiers in Psychology

  10. International Journal of School and Cognitive

  11. Interpersona

  12. Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy

  13. Journal of Social and Political Psychology

  14. Psychological Thought

  15. Psychology and Neuroscience

  16. Psychology of Well-Being

  17. Journal of European Psychology Students

  18. Journal of Open Psychology Data

  19. Psychology

  20. Psychology, Community and Health

  21. The European Journal of Counselling Psychology


  1. Acta Radiologica Open

  2. Acta Radiologica Short Reports

  3. Asia Oceania Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology

  4. Cancer Imaging

  5. Case Reports in Radiology

  6. Critical Ultrasound Journal

  7. EJNMMI Physics

  8. EJNMMI Research

  9. European Journal of Radiology Open

  10. Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging

  11. Insights into Imaging

  12. Iranian Journal of Radiology

  13. ISRN Radiology

  14. Journal of Medical Physics

  15. Journal of Radiobiology

  16. Journal of Radiology Case Reports

  17. Journal of Radiotherapy

  18. Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound

  19. Magnetic Resonance Insights

  20. Radiologia Brasileira

  21. Radiology and Oncology

  22. Radiology Research and Practice

  23. South African Journal of Radiology

  24. The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine

  25. Ultrasound International Open


  1. Autism, Research & Treatment

  2. BMJ Open

  3. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies

  4. Cases Journal

  5. Critical Disability Discourse

  6. Disability Studies Quarterly

  7. Down Syndrome Research & Practice

  8. Education Commons

  9. Global Journal of Special Education and Services

  10. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education

  11. International Journal of Special Education

  12. Journal for Vocational Special Needs education

  13. Journal of Gifted Education Research

  14. Journal of Psychological Abnormalities in Children

  15. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation

  16. Journal of Special Education Research

  17. Life Span and Disability

  18. The Psychologist

  19. South African Journal of Communication Disorders

  20. Special Education Administration Commons


  1. Asian journal of Sports Medicine

  2. Athletic Training Education Journal

  3. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity

  4. Biology of Exercise

  5. Biology of Sport

  6. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation

  7. British Journal of Sports Medicine

  8. Choregia: Sport Management International Journal

  9. Cyber-Journal of Sport Marketing

  10. DePaul Journal of Sports Law & Contemporary Problems

  11. Entertainment and Sports Law Journal

  12. Facta Universitatis: Series Physical Education & Sport

  13. Gymnasium

  14. Harvard Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law

  15. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology

  16. International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation & Tourism

  17. ITF Coaching and Sport Science Review

  18. Physical Culture

  19. Physical Culture and Sport : Studies and Research

  20. Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism

  21. Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum

  22. Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences

  23. South African Journal of Sports Medicine

  24. Sports

  25. Sportscience


  1. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure

  2. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development

  3. American Journal of Tourism Management

  4. Cold Noon Travel Poetics: International Journal of Travel Writing

  5. e-Review of Tourism Research

  6. Enlightening Tourism : a Pathmaking Journal

  7. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation

  8. Hospitality Administration and Management Commons

  9. International Journal of Travel Medicine and Global Health

  10. International Journal of Safety and Security in Tourism/Hospitality

  11. Journal of Environmental and Tourism Analyses

  12. Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism

  13. Journal of Hotel and Business Management

  14. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality

  15. Journal of Tourism and Recreation

  16. Journal of Tourism Research

  17. Journal of Unconventional Parks, Tourism and Recreation Research

  18. Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism

  19. TOURISMOS: An International Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal of Tourism

  20. Transit

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