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  • Journal Print Subscription: New Media & Society 2017 March 19:3

  1. #Gamergate and the fappening: how Reddit’s algorithm, governance, and culture support toxic technocultures

  2. Adolescent perceptions of bystanders’ responses to cyberbullying

  3. Algorithmic brands: a decade of brand experiments with mobile and social media

  4. Beyond the quantified self: thematic exploration of a dataistic paradigm

  5. Don’t be dumb—that’s the rule I try to live by: a closer look at older teens’ online privacy and safety attitudes

  6. Media and politics in new democracies: Europe in a comparative perspective

  7. Media independence: working with freedom or working for free?

  8. Multimodal, multiplex, multispatial: a network model of the self

  9. The materiality of digital media: the hard disk drive, phonograph, magnetic tape and optical media in technical close-up

  10. The politics of information and data: interdisciplinary perspectives on digital power

  11. This week in blackness, the George Zimmerman acquittal, and the production of a networked collective identity

  12. Updating to remain the same: habitual new media


  • Journal Print Subscription: Educational Action Research 2017 25 1-2

  1. About cooperative engineering: theory and emblematic examples

  2. Action researchers encountering ethical review: a literature synthesis on challenges and strategies

  3. The challenge of sustaining change: contradictions within the development of teacher and librarian collaboration

  4. Classroom action research on formative assessment in a context-based chemistry course

  5. Collaborative action research through technologically mediated agoras

  6. Developing professionally: examining the value of an external agent to the professional growth of teachers experimenting with mobile digital technologies

  7. The dynamics of connecting universities, non-governmental organizations and community members by means of academic projects directed at people in need

  8. Facilitation skills: the catalyst for increased effectiveness in consultant practice and clinical systems leadership

  9. Generating knowledge in a Learning Study – from the perspective of a teacher researcher

  10. Having it all? Transferring community-oriented research principles to teaching and learning to develop better university engagement

  11. How can a clinical research approach contribute to knowledge-building for the teaching profession?

  12. ‘I think autism is like running on Windows while everyone else is a Mac’: using a participatory action research approach with students on the autistic spectrum to rearticulate autism and the lived experience of university

  13. Learning study as a clinical research practice to generate knowledge about the learning of historical primary source analysis

  14. Linking theory and practice: teacher research in history and geography classrooms

  15. Literature review on the use of action research in higher education

  16. Motivating and/or de-motivating environments to do action research: the case of teachers of English as a foreign language in Ethiopian universities

  17. Negotiating democratic relations in a doctoral project examining university conditions and pedagogical praxis

  18. A participatory action research approach to developing youth-friendly strategies for the prevention of teenage pregnancy

  19. Participatory action research in culturally complex societies: opportunities and challenges

  20. Understanding the complexity of teacher reflection in action research


  • Journal Print Subscription: Information and Software Technology 2017 August-September 88-89

  1. Automated triaging of very large bug repositories

  2. Benefits and drawbacks of software reference architectures: A case study

  3. Benefits and limitations of project-to-project job rotation in software organizations: A synthesis of evidence

  4. An extension of the GQM+Strategies approach with formal causal reasoning

  5. The effects of perceived value and stakeholder satisfaction on software project impact

  6. Findings from a multi-method study on test-driven development

  7. A genetic algorithm-based approach for automated refactoring of component-based software

  8. A historical, textual analysis approach to feature locationAn industry experience report on managing product quality requirements in a large organization

  9. Introduction to the EASE 2016 special section: Evidence-based software engineering: Past, present, and future

  10. Less is more: Minimizing code reorganization using XTREERisk-averse slope-based thresholds: Definition and empirical evaluation

  11. On code reuse from StackOverflow: An exploratory study on Android apps

  12. Static analysis of android apps: A systematic literature review

  13. Test case design for context-aware applications: Are we there yet?


  • Journal Print Subscription: Journal of Creativity in Mental Health 2017 January-March 12:1

  1. Actors in the Classroom: The Dramatic Pedagogy Model of Counselor Education

  2. Diversity and Dance: Exploring the Therapeutic Implications of World Dance

  3. “Girls Can’t Play Ball”: Feminist Counseling Using A League of Their Own

  4. Improvisation as a Meta-Counseling Skill

  5. A Kinetic Sculpture Intervention for Individuals Grieving the Deaths of Family Members

  6. Paws for Intervention: Perceptions About the Use of Dogs in Schools

  7. Portraits of Well-Being: Photography as a Mental Health Support for Women With HIV

  8. The Potential of Animal-Assisted Therapy Within the Supervisory Alliance

  9. Supervising Counselors-in-Training Through a Developmental, Narrative Model

  10. Using Art-Based Strategies in Group-Based Counselor Supervision

  11. Using The Mirror Story to Understand Self

  • Journal Print Subscription: Journal of Experimental; Psychology: Applied 2017 March 23:1

  1. Climate change helplessness and the (de)moralization of individual energy behavior.

  2. Corporate personhood: lay perceptions and ethical consequences.

  3. Discriminating between correct and incorrect eyewitness identifications: the use of appropriate cues.

  4. Evaluating the feature comparison strategy for forensic face identification.

  5. How readers understand causal and correlational expressions used in news headlines.

  6. Mind the gap! Automated concept map feedback supports students in writing cohesive explanations.

  7. Passive restraint reduces visually induced motion sickness in older adults.

  8. Undermining position effects in choices from arrays, with implications for police lineups.


  • Journal Print Subscription: Journal of Learning Disabilities 2017 May-June 50:3

  1. Comorbidity of Arithmetic and Reading Disorder Basic Number Processing and Calculation in Children With Learning Impairments

  2. Does a Dynamic Test of Phonological Awareness Predict Early Reading Difficulties? A Longitudinal Study From Kindergarten Through Grade 1

  3. Empirical Implications of Matching Children With Specific Language Impairment to Children With Typical Development on Nonverbal IQ

  4. Error Patterns in Ordering Fractions Among At-Risk Fourth-Grade Students

  5. Eye Movements and Articulations During a Letter Naming Speed Task Children With and Without Dyslexia

  6. First-Year College Students With ADHD and/or LD Differences in Engagement, Positive Core Self-Evaluation, School Preparation, and College Expectations

  7. The Interaction of Learning Disability Status and Student Demographic Characteristics on Mathematics Growth

  8. A Randomized Trial of the Effects of Schema-Based Instruction on Proportional Problem-Solving for Students With Mathematics Problem-Solving Difficulties

  9. A Synthesis of Reading and Spelling Interventions and Their Effects on Spelling Outcomes for Students With Learning Disabilities

  10. The Role of Trait Anxiety and Preoccupation With Reading Disabilities of Children and Their Mothers in Predicting Children’s Reading Comprehension


  • Journal Print Subscription: Teaching in Travel & Tourism 2017 April-June 17:2

  1. 35th International Society of Travel & Tourism Educators (ISTTE) annual conference, “Global Strategies in Tourism & Hospitality Education”, Hangzhou, China, October 12–14, 2016

  2. Effects of experiential learning on students: an ecotourism service-learning course

  3. Students’ expectations, experiences, and career direction after in-house internship: the pedagogical role of the hotel training center in Thailand

  4. Teaching for critical thinking: preparing hospitality and tourism students for careers in the twenty-first century

  5. What do tourism students know about sustainability and sustainable tourism? An exploratory study of Latin American students

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