TRAVEL & CULTURE eBooks Galore

Email @ for access and use of any of the following TRAVEL & CULTURE e-Books. Happy e-Book reading!
2017 The Rough Guide to Dorset, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight
The Rough Guide to Scotland, 11th Edition
The Rough Guide to Languedoc & Roussillon
The Rough Guide to The Dordogne & the Lot
Performing Nashville: Music Tourism and Country Music's Main Street
Route 66: America's Longest Small Town
The Rough Guide to the USA
2016 Pocket Rough Guide Hong Kong & Macau
New Zealand Wine: The Land, The Vines, The People
Gone Wild: Stories from a Lifetime of Wildlife Travel
Frommer's EasyGuide to Las Vegas 2017
Europe by Eurail 2017: Touring Europe by Train
349 Views of Scotland
2015 Getting Around Kyoto and Nara: Pocket Atlas and Transportation Guide
Birding Nebraska's Central Platte Valley and Rainwater Basin
Cave Exploration in Slovenia
Canoeing the Great Plains : A Missouri River Summer
Chasing Conrad: A Tale of the Sea and a Glimpse Into the Abyss
Frommer's England and Scotland
2014 The 66 Kid: Raised on the Mother Road
Texas Off the Beaten Path
Hiking Ohio
Road Trip USA: Cross-Country Adventures on America's Two-Lane Highways
Frommer's Maine Coast
Places of the Imagination: Media, Tourism, Culture
Frommer's Dubai and Abu Dhabi Day by Day
Iraq the People (Lands, Peoples, & Cultures
Trail of Story, Travellers' Path: Reflections on Ethnoecology and Landscape
Ecology and Wonder: in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site
The Rough Guide to Florence and the Best of Tuscany 1 (Rough Guide Travel Guides)
Welcome to Saudi Arabia (Welcome to the World)
St Peter's (Wonders of the World)
Frommer's Washington
Global Wine Tourism: Research, Management and Marketing
The Rough Guide to Languedoc and Roussillon 3 (Rough Guide Travel Guides)
501 Must-Visit Destinations
Israeli Backpackers: A View From Afar
The Lake Michigan Rock Pickers Guide
Eating as I Go: Scenes from America and Abroad
Iraq (Modern World Nations)
Sacred Places Around the World: 108 Destinations
Europe from a Backpack: Real Stories from Young Travelers Abroad (From a Backpack series)
New York: The Unknown City
The London Bible: A Guide to Living and Working in the Capital
Pains on Trains: The Commuter's Guide to the 50 Most Irritating Travelling Companions
The Lonely Sea and the Sky
Downhill Slide: Why the Corporate Ski Industry Is Bad for Skiing, Ski Towns, and the Environment
The Tribes of Muriwhenua: Their Stories and Origins
Some Like it Cold (Summersdale travel)
Good Vibrations: Coast to Coast by Harley
The Wind In My Wheels: Travel Tales from the Saddle
Letters from Togo (Singular Lives)
2017 Formal Aspects of Chinese Grammar
Classical Chinese: A Basic Reader
Nabokov and his Books
Advances in the Analysis of Spanish Exclamatives
Getting at Get in World Englishes: A Corpus-Based Semasiological-Syntactic Analysis
The Interfaces of Chinese Syntax with Semantics and Pragmatics
George Orwell: English Rebel
Research Outline for China's Cultural Soft Power
Bridging the Skills Gap: Innovations in Africa and Asia
2016 Scripting Dance in Contemporary India
The Price of Linguistic Productivity
The Migrant Text: Making and Marketing a Global French Literature
Chol (Mayan) Folktales
Interaction of Morphology and Syntax in American Sign Language (Volume 1)
Literary Studies and the Philosophy of Literature
The User Perspective on Twenty-First-Century Art Museums
Lingering Bilingualism: Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literatures in Contact
The Routledge Creative Writing Coursebook
Viktor Shklovsky: A Reader
Approaches to the History and Dialectology of Arabic
New Directions in Popular Fiction: Genre, Distribution, Reproduction
The Gothic Worlds of Peter Straub
Words of Witness: Black Women's Autobiography in the Post-Brown Era
Reading Rio de Janeiro: Literature and Society in the Nineteenth Century
2015 Charles Darwin's Looking Glass
Stealing Helen: The Myth of the Abducted Wife in Comparative Perspective
Colloquial Arabic (Levantine): The Complete Course for Beginners
The Routledge Companion to Native American Literature
Scent of Apples: A Collection of Stories
Foodscapes of Chinese America
This Book Is an Action: Feminist Print Culture and Activist Aesthetics
Remediating Transcultural Memory
2014 Lacandon Maya-Spanish-English Dictionary
Redefining Kitsch and Camp in Literature and Culture
The Return of Theory in Early Modern English Studies: Tarrying with the Subjunctive
Modern European Tragedy : Exploring Crucial Plays
Secularism, Assimilation and the Crisis of Multiculturalism
2013 Essential French Grammar
Under Postcolonial Eyes: Figuring the "jew" in Contemporary British Writing
The Dispossessed State: Narratives of Ownership in Nineteenth-Century Britain and Ireland
Imagining Methodism in Eighteenth-Century Britain
Mopan Maya-Spanish-English Dictionary
Matters of Fact in Jane Austen: History, Location, and Celebrity
Doctoring the Novel: Medicine and Quackery from Shelley to Doyle
Collaborative Dubliners: Joyce in Dialogue
The Elliptical Noun Phrase in English: Structure and Use
Constituting Old Age in Early Modern English Literature, from Queen Elizabeth to King Lear
Empire in British Girls' Literature and Culture: Imperial Girls, 1880-1915
Colloquial Romanian: The Complete Course for Beginners, 4 edition
Victorian Poets and the Changing Bible
Tutto - Letteratura inglese
Complex Predicates: The syntax-morphology interface
Benefactives and Malefactives: Typological perspectives and case studies
Gradience, Gradualness and Grammaticalization
Spies and Holy Wars: The Middle East in 20th-Century Crime Fiction
Extraction Asymmetries: Experimental evidence from German
Organisation, Interaction and Practice
Making Waste: Leftovers and the Eighteenth-Century Imagination
Features: Perspectives on a Key Notion in Linguistics
South Slavic Discourse Particles
The Syntactic Licensing of Ellipsis
Ethos and Narrative Interpretation: The Negotiation of Values in Fiction
Word-Order Change as a Source of Grammaticalisation
The Cambridge Introduction to Margaret Atwood
Grimm Language: Grammar, Gender and Genuineness in the Fairy Tales
Patterns, Meaningful Units and Specialized Discourses
Structure Preserved: Studies in syntax for Jan Koster
Protecting Intellectual Freedom in Your Academic Library
Teaching English Creatively
Glencoe Literature: American Literature, Teacher's Edition
Phonetics and Phonology: Interactions and interrelations
Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Academic Discourse
Tales of Hi and Bye: Greeting and Parting Rituals Around the World
Cross-linguistic Semantics of Tense, Aspect, and Modality
The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodern Fiction
Speaking of the Moor: From "Alcazar" to "Othello"
Syntax and Semantics of Spatial P
Stanislavsky in Practice: Actor Training in Post-Soviet Russia
Meaning of Folklore: The Analytical Essays of Alan Dundes
German Demystified: A Self Teaching Guide
A Frequency Dictionary of German: Core Vocabulary for Learners
Easy American Idioms: Hundreds of Idiomatic Expressions to Give You an Edge in English
Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion, 2nd Edition
Joan Littlewood
The Mask Handbook: A Practical Guide
Advances in Functional Linguistics
The Routledge Creative Writing Coursebook
The Mask Handbook: A Practical Guide
Global Youth?
The Rupture of Time: Synchronicity and Jung's Critique of Modern Western Culture
Creoles, Contact, and Language Change
Space in Language and Cognition
The Victorian Novel
Verb-Particle Explorations
Directions in Sign Language Acquisition
Popular Stories of Ancient Egypt
A Concise Companion to Modernism
An Introduction to Old English
Complex Sentences in Grammar and Discourse
Across The Margins: Cultural Identity and Change in the Atlantic Archipelago
The Arabic Manuscript Tradition the Arabic Manuscript Tradition
American Dialects: A Manual for Actors, Directors, and Writers, 2nd Edition
This Earth of Mankind (Buru Quartet)
Hard Sayings of the Bible
The Germanic Languages: Origins and Early Dialectal Interrelations
Language and Problems of Knowledge: The Managua Lectures