SISC College Libraries-WE CARE

L i b r a r i e s a f f e c t h u m a n e x p e r i e n c e s . . .
Hospitality is innovative and enriches library guest experience while seeking for information and reference services in centers for reading and research. What does this mean? Improving guest experience with winning strategies is hospitality by itself.

Hospitality, along with space design is explored to enhance customer experience in libraries as element for successful public spaces. Why not try applying the concept of hospitality to library organizations. This may improve customer satisfaction. Each time spent with a library guest is a moment of truth

U s e o f H o s p i t a l i t y M e t a p h o r i n L i b r a r i e s
It is not yet too late to consider using a kind of hospitality towards an authentic deal with customers by library staff persons.

S e r v i c e S p i r i t , S p i r i t o f H o s p i t a l i t y
When there is a good foundation of knowledge and experience in the industry – leadership, collaboration and technology – added with a big passion, a service spirit is felt, becomes alive and places you and the library profession in a higher ground reaping successes each time fulfilling a goal for a client or a guest.

Library organizations have to be hospitable places. They are obliged to do so in order for their personnel to really feel good when clients patronize their services.

A day-to-day library experience, librarian encountering a guest, tends to be more fascinating, fun and stimulating one that has brought career heights, work satisfaction, and promise of a good life.