Thank you to our book donors!The SISC COLLEGE LIBRARIES would like to acknowledge with great appreciation the following donors (Friends of the Library 2018): JANUARY 2018MS. MONICA S. VILLONCO-BASIC ED PARENTMS. ARIANNE LOREN DOMINGO (BSA)MRS. PAULINE G. ZURITA (STUDENT SERICES)MR. CHRISTOPHER TRINIDAD (COLLEGE FACULTY) 2015-2017 DONORS #BOOKDONORS #DONATIONS #FRIENDSOFTHELIBRARY
The SISC COLLEGE LIBRARIES would like to acknowledge with great appreciation the following donors (Friends of the Library 2018): JANUARY 2018MS. MONICA S. VILLONCO-BASIC ED PARENTMS. ARIANNE LOREN DOMINGO (BSA)MRS. PAULINE G. ZURITA (STUDENT SERICES)MR. CHRISTOPHER TRINIDAD (COLLEGE FACULTY) 2015-2017 DONORS #BOOKDONORS #DONATIONS #FRIENDSOFTHELIBRARY