Blue & Pink Romblon Diaries for Ooh la la Librarians in Romblon
2nd Part of A Series

Second day high lessons from indigenous~ one's own ethnic to multicultural RESPECT and DIVERSITY understanding, we've tried spotting our personal differences with one another through filling out bingo cards with items related to languages, gender, physical attributes, interests and the like. So interesting that may stimulate others, too to try and gain subdued awareness of one's specialness and or uniqueness from the rest. A trio, Ann Grace Bansig, Jay Diola & Darrel Marco, has brought the whole house to deliver outputs that have never been done and/or executed to everyone's delight and sense of gratitude to them for what they've produced and experienced, from their storytelling to participants' break to creatively storytell, too through paper fourfolds with storylines.

Whoever one is, each was welcoming with young energy only this group can share. Came night time to be pinked, dashing and lovely! By the pool, Bato, Bato, Pick 20 was hilarious and surely made a winner's journey to remember. A lady won more than a thousand pesos.

Then, a queen has emerged and Ms Angela Suarez Del Real took a king in the person of Michael Catajan, adjudged officialy as Mr. & Ms. MLAI 2018. A beauty blossomed from Samar State University right after the announcement while a young man had all everyone's eyes and bloomed from Our Lady of Fatima University.

It was their night of all nights. A wine toast to MLAI for most precious years by its teamlead & president, Mrs. Marivic Garcia-Selencio ended a millenial night affair to remember!

Photo Credits to Raymon Bodino of Electronic Information Solutions.