Library & Student Affairs rejoice with 4.8 rating for Celebrity Booktalk 2018!
Based from the evaluation surveyed and forms collected from seventy six of more than a hundred students, faculty, staff and other...

I Am Malala fever, Booktalks Galore
College Library Creatives Workshop presents I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World Thursday Book...

Volunteer as book talkers for Human Library
Be one of this year's library book talkers! We are searching for volunteers. VOLUNTEER NOW! BE BOOKED BY US. You will be reserved for...

Medals for Southville Booktalk Warriors 2018
Worth wearing are medals for our Champion and 6 Southville booktalk warriors 2018 for today's 7 Stories, 7 Booktalkers happening at the...

We Welcome You @ the Mini Theatre @ 1pm on February 14
Interact & be engaged with them... this Valentine's Day! Ms. Jihyeon Woo talks about DEAD POETS SOCIETY Mr. Angelo Pera talks about LOVE...

Booktalks GALORE on video
As part of their Service Learning initiative and contest entries for College Library's Booktalk Contest 2018, here are boktalks on film...

Listen to Southville Booktalk Warriors on February 14, 1PM, Mini Theatre
Isaiah Jared Matillano MORTAL ENGINES Philip Reeve Angelo Pera LOVE AND SPACE DUST David Jones Jose Rizal Padre HUNGER GAMES Suzanne...

Student Booktalks (9) on Video
Find out what a young girl's favorite book here featured in a Booktalk video made by Kim Hyoun Young (Wendy) of Grade 11 STEM B as a...

Student Booktalks (10) on Video
Bob Kim interviews in a Booktalk video made by herself Jeong Sik Kim (Bob Kim) as a Service Learning initiative and a contest entry for...

Student Booktalks (9) on Video
Find out what a young girl's favorite book here featured in a Booktalk video made by Kim Hyoun Young (Wendy) of Grade 11 STEM B as a...