We Welcome You @ the Mini Theatre @ 1pm on February 14

Interact & be engaged with them... this Valentine's Day!

Ms. Jihyeon Woo talks about DEAD POETS SOCIETY

Mr. Angelo Pera talks about LOVE AND SPACE DUST

Ms. Marife Gaufo talks about THE BEST OF ME

Ms. Tamika Fernandez talks about TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE

Ms. Crismarie Espinosa talks about THE TWELFT ANGEL

Mr. Isaiah John Jared Matillano talks about MORTAL ENGINES

Mr. Jose Rizal C. Padre talks about HUNGER GAMES

College Librarian Ms Patricia Verlasquez, EMCEE

Student Services Head Ms. Pauine G. Zurita, Opening Remarks

College of Education Dean Dr. Virginia Caneos, Closing Remarks