Xiao is 2018 Celebrity Booktalker of SISC libraries!
Email officeofthelibrary@southville.edu.ph for reservation of seats. Please bring one book (new, used and/or slightly used self-help,...

Donations Galore! / IT Books
College Library acknowledges the receipt of the following book donations from our very generous Basic Education faculty named SUKULA...

Maceda and Chua are Library Champions!
Register early! Email officeofthelibrary@southville.edu.ph

MIBF 2018 September 12-16: Schedule of Special Events
Click the image to view details & other information Schedule of Special Events Day 1 - Wednesday, September 12, 2018 9:00 A.M. – 10:00...

Reserve seats now for Celebrity Book Talk 2018!
Email officeofthelibrary@southville.edu.ph for reservation of seats. Please bring one book (new, used and/or slightly used self-help,...

Maceda's winning streaks are TED-like
From a simple dry-run to September 19, MASSCOM student Mr Bon Christian Maceda will have a repeat of his TED-like presentation on...

Makerspace Project: Nursing IDEA BOX in September
Nursing students will be busy beginning today including the coming week with their Makerspace project activity, a Nursing IDEA Box in...

Why do we go to the College Library? (17)
Basic Education students made video surveys this week with the following questions as academic initiative/output for their Service...

Why do we go to the College Library? (16)
Basic Education students made video surveys this week with the following questions as academic initiative/output for their Service...

Why do we go to the College Library? (15)
Basic Education students made video surveys this week with the following questions as academic initiative/output for their Service...