Xiao is coming on October 5!
Email officeofthelibrary@southville.edu.ph for reservation of seats. Please bring one book (new, used and/or slightly used self-help,...

I Am Malala fever
College Library Creatives Workshop presents I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World Thursday Book...

Feedback thrills us!
9:50 AM (1 hour ago) From DREAM COUNTRY India: Dear Madam / Sir Greetings! Thanks for sharing nice information about your library. I have...

Who is Malala?
I read the book which is 'I am Malala. I just read only chapter 1. It was a story about a girl who lived in Pakistan. Malala is a person...

CoTS makes LIBCOM 2018 plan!
Last September 18, member schools of the Library Committee of the Consortium of the South represented by their library heads met at the...

4.79 Rating for the College Library's 1st Creatives Workshop
From the Creatives Facilitator: I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for inviting me as your resource speaker for your first...

Sam goes out for MIBF 2018!
I can surely say that yesterday's event made us all on "book high" and "knowledge high." Being able to listen to speakers like Mr....

Coming Soon is I Am Malala!
College Library Creatives Workshop presents I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World Thursday Book...

MLAI library professionals meet in Southville!
Early Monday morning of September 17, officers of the MUNPARLAS Library Association, Inc. assembled in the Nursing IDEA BOX for their...

Happy 28th Foundation Day
Dearest College Team, Today marks the Foundation Day of Southville International School and Colleges. But what is the significance of...